Monday, November 22, 2004

How will the Blues ever win over the Reds? In order to take the White House in 2008 they will have to convince a majority of the voters to switch parties, or at least a majority in enough states to give an electoral victory. Congress will be trickier since the Republicans have majorities in both houses.

The Blues need to make nice to the Reds. They need our votes or at least for us to stay home while they vote in their candidates. The trouble is that right now they hate us. They talk about succession, joining Canada and leaving us "Jesusland". They stereotype us as homophobic , racists fundamentalists.

As long ago as August the left felt that being a Republican was a moral failure. Remember the attempts to stage sick-outs in New York City during the Republican National Convention? More recently, the Bush twins were denied service at a restaurant.

Freemans, tuesday night the 16th of nov. the bush twins , along with 2 massive secret service men, tried to have dinner. They were told by the maitre'd that they were full and would be for the next 4 years. Upon hearing, the entire restaurant cheered and did a round of shots... it was amazing!!! [Ed: We're hearing that this is actually true.]
The Bush twins are not their father. Refusing them service is an act of spite.

Considering the reaction, are any Republicans welcome there?

Then there is the constant insistence that the vote must have been rigged based on the assumption that no one who voted for Gore would vote for Bush.

In 2000 they could blame the Supreme Court but this time they have to blame the voters. That's more than they can stand. They are really mad at us.

So, the Blues are calling us names and saying that they don't want to live in the same country that we live in.

After all this, how are they going to talk any of us into voting for them in the future?

I can hear the ads now, "Back in 2004 you stupidly voted for the wrong side. Now's your chance to make up for it." That's going to convince a lot of voters.

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