Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Save the Flag

Nike just cancelled a new line of shoes with a small Betsy Ross flag on them because of protests from Colin Kaepernick. Depending on who you listen to, the flag is either offensive because it was used when slavery was legal or because it's been adopted as a symbol by white supremacists

Addressing the second reason first, no, this flag is not on anyone's list of hate symbols.
"Most white supremacists would not know what the Betsy Ross flag was if you asked them about it, compared to all the other symbols that they constantly use," Mark Pitcavage, senior research fellow with the Anti-Defamation League's Center on Extremism, said.

So that's just a lame excuse someone thought up to excuse the cancellation.

The first excuse is equally lame. The 13-star flag was used from the 1770s to the 1790s when two new states were added. Yes, slavery was legal in the US during that period in some of the states but not in the majority and slavery was also legal in most of the rest of the world at the time. It was not used by the Confederacy or any other uses beyond patriotism. So it's only a "symbol" of slavery because it's from the 18th century. 

Despite what Nike said, the real reason for Kaepernik's objection is probably a general dislike for the United States and its history. This is in contrast to when he first began sitting and then kneeling for the National Anthem. It was claimed then that he was objecting to the treatment of contemporary blacks and not showing disrespect for his country.

Regardless, this is part of a general trend in declaring American icons to be tainted. What started with Confederate statues has spread to Washington, Jefferson, Columbus, even General Grant because someone gave him a couple of slaves who he quickly sold (it was very difficult to free slaves at the time).

This also has the possibility to become another "Ok" symbol where some pranksters decided to start a rumor that it's used as a symbol of white supremacy and it spread. Now that the sainted Kaepernick has declared the Betsy Ross flag to be forbidden, trolls from the left will emerge to defend that, even if they have to make things up.

We need to take a stand and push back. We can't let the symbol of America's founding be tarnished by lies and a second-string quarterback.

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