Friday, January 13, 2006


I don't have a link because I read it a day or two ago but I saw an explanation for how the controversial wiretaps work. I saw it in a liberal site (probably HuffPuff) where it was meant as an argument against the wiretaps.

According to this explanation, the NSA is using computers to monitor international calls for key words. When a conversation is flagged, someone listens in. According to this, a couple of thousand conversations are monitored daily. The objection was that an unknown but huge number of conversations must have been monitored so the problem is much worse than previously reported.

Funny thing, if this explanation is correct it explains why court warrants are impossible. Unless the NSA can get a warrant in less than a minute the conversion would have ended long before the NSA was authorized to listen.

Why doesn't the administration say this? It is possible that this explanation is wrong but if it is correct then making the information widely available gives possible terrorists a lot more information about what not to do to avoid capture.

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