Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Who Would Tell Us - II

A couple of weeks ago I asked who would tell us if the climate models are wrong? Among my worries is that anyone in the media who tried to suggest such a thing would be silenced. Here is an example of this happening. Last week the BBC ran an article about the current cooling phase associated with a La Nina event. They were challenged on the wording of the headline and one paragraph because it suggested that skeptics might have a valid point. After a few email exchanges the BBC changed the offending article. Here is a detailed account of the exchange and here is self-congratulatory post by the person responsible.

One interesting thing in the Register article in my first link, they included a graph of the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). This shows a preponderance of cool events through the mid-1970s followed by a preponderance of warm events. This can be interpreted two different ways - 1) Global warming caused the balance of events to shift to warming, or 2) a natural cycle of ENSO warmed the atmosphere causing most of the warm years since the 1980s independant of the influence of CO2.

I have seen #2 discussed before but not in the major media. This just wouldn't be allowed.

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