Friday, October 16, 2009

Various Political Gripes

Nobel Peace Prize Winner Obama desires to meet with the heads of hostile nations without precondition but he will not appear on Fox. He travels a lot but he spends most of his time in blue states.

Obama's defenders point out that only a fraction of the massive stimulous bill has been spent to date. So why are the Democrats talking about a new stimulous?

Leftist economists such as Paul Krugman insist that deficits don't matter. We need more governent spending. When it is pointed out that government stimulous ever ended a recession before they insist that governments just didn't spend enough. That thinking is catching up with us. The world is moving away from the dollar standard. This will probalby be a bad thing for the entire world but it is inevitable. With Obama's massive spending, no one trusts the dollar any longer. Krugman assures us that this doesnt matter, either. We will see.

The bill that passed the Senate finance committee is supposed to be deficit-neutral. They did a lot of slight of hand to achive that. In order to pay for it the bill has several new taxes and cuts. Those will go into effect immediately. The money to help people buy insurance will not start for another three years. That means that the CBO weighed ten years of taxes and cuts against seven years of spending. Even at that, it came out around even. That means that long-term costs for health care will go into the deficit.

Even with sky-high taxes, the bill will not provide universal coverage. Something like 17 million people will still not have insurance. The last figure that Obama gave for the uninsured was 30 million so the bill will not even cut tat figure in half.

Nancy Pelosi vowed to get revenge on the insurance lobby after they lauched anti-reform ads. She is planning to push a public option in order to hurt them. I can't think of a worse reason.

One reason that so many progressives want a public option is that they regard insurance company profits as immoral. Keep in mind that insurance companies do not provide care. They pool risk and pay for individual's care from that pool. If it is immoral to make a profit on that then what else is immoral? Or is the list sorter is I ask where it is moral to make a profit.

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