Wednesday, July 18, 2018

When Kids Lead

Recently the Left has been embracing kids as their leaders. Actually it's young adults but they are showing their inexperience and naivete. First there was the Parkland "survivors" led by David Hogg. I'm calling them "survivors" because many of them were never actually close to the shooter. They are survivors the same way that I'm a survivor of a drowning because I was on the same beach at the same time (true story). Anyway, their proximity to violence is supposed to give them special insights. The truth is that they sound ignorant and inane, resorting to magic thinking that with just a few more gun laws no one will ever go on a school killing spree again.

More recently the Democratic Party has been fawning over Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, proclaiming her the new face of the party. While she is young and pretty, at least compared to Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton and she is earnest, she is also vapid and uninformed. She has degrees in economics and international relations. Either she slept through class or she should demand her tuition back. Over the weekend she went on record as having no idea how the economy actually works (she seems to think that evolution and not capitalism is responsible for the rise of the West). While railing against Israel, she had to admit that she didn't actually know much about Israel and Palestine.

This is what happens when you live in a bubble. Her professors probably spouted off social justice propaganda to her for years and neither she nor any of her classmates actually asked any probing questions. They just accepted what they were told.

So the new face of the Democratic Party is an intellectual embarrassment. And she's not even a Democrat. She's a Social Democrat and the head of the Social Democrat Party now says that communism is good.

This is the problem with turning things over to inexperienced newcomers. Ocasio-Cortez has never been been outside her bubble. Up to this point she's gotten by by parroting lines from other people. She never engaged in introspection.

And for the record, I don't have a degree in international relations but I can explain what's going on in Palestine much better than she could. And I can explain both sides of the argument. That's because I'm older and more experienced and I don't live in a bubble.

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