Saturday, August 11, 2018

Confronting the Progressive's Past

We keep hearing about needing a conversation on America's racist past. This usually comes from Progressives. That's what the Democrats call themselves now. They abandoned being liberals early in the 2000s and adopted a return to the Progressive movement of the first half of the 20th century. Hillary Clinton, among others, explicitly called for a return to the Progressive ideals. So, here's some things you should know about the Progressives:

They were racist
Slavery and the end of the Civil War brought major upheavals. It took a couple of generations but things were finally settling down. Then President Wilson, the godfather of Progressivism, decided that the races were getting too cozy. So, he segregated federal workers which set in motion a general segregation.

They didn't like elected officials
The Progressive movement wanted to get politics out of government. Their great idea was to have politicians as figureheads and leave the real governing to dispassionate civil servants. This is where our current administrative state came from. A lot of cities eliminated the mayor except as a figurehead and turned the bulk of city management over to a city manager. This happened on state and federal levels, also, with Congress passing enabling legislation and bureaucrats writing the rules that actually implemented the laws.

They were racist
They loved science, or science-sounding things. They particularly loved Darwin. Our whole concept of race was built on top of Darwin (I'm sure he'd be horrified). They put whites at the top and blacks at the bottom which provided the intellectual underpinnings for racism. It's not racism if it's scientific, right? At least that's what they said.

They admired the fascists
FDR, the other ultra-Progressive president after Wilson, was a huge fan of Mussolini. The two corresponded and saw each other in a competition. Mussolini saw Roosevelt as a fellow fascist who was constrained by the Constitution from doing what was needed.

Did I mention they were racist?
In the 19th century colonialism was considered the "white man's burden". Whites, having a more advanced civilization, were duty-bound to civilize the savages. This faith-based bigotry was replaced with Social Darwinism. Just as individuals and species competed for the strongest, so did civilizations with the strongest almost having a duty to conquer lesser civilizations.

The fascists admired them.
Darwinism and Social Darwinism formed the intellectual underpinnings for Hitler's conquest of Europe. His Aryan master race needed to crush or exterminate the lesser races.

They were really racist
Linked in with all this was the eugenics movement. This was going to improve the species through birth control and sterilization. Planned Parenthood was founded to promote this. And Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, got a fan letter from Hitler.

They were SO racist
I keep seeing memes that minimum wage was meant to make sure that everyone made enough to live on, regardless of what he did. That's not true. The minimum wage was really meant to be sure that jobs went to whites. Minorities were usually paid less. The thinking was that, if you had to pay the same for whites as for minorities then you'd go ahead and hire whites.

They were violently racist
The KKK started in the deep south and was dying out until a revival beginning at Stone Mountain. This coincided with the movie Birth of a Nation which glorified the Klan. Wilson publicly approved of both. Suddenly the Klan went from the deep south to being nationwide. States that had never been slave states such as Indiana were suddenly hotbeds of Klan activity. But the Klan was always tightly linked with the Democratic Party.

They didn't confine their racism to blacks
That hotbed of Progressivism, Oregon, actively discouraged Asians and blacks from living in it. That's why Portland is one of America's whitest cities. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the populous was afraid of enemy spies. FDR responded to this by rounding up German citizens living in the US and anyone of Japanese ancestry. Note the disparity here - he didn't worry about people whose parents had come from Germany but if your grandparents had come from Japan then you were sent to a relocation center. Note - don't ever compare this to what Hitler did. American Japanese lost their homes and businesses but were fairly well treated. Victims of the Holocaust were brutally killed and the ones who weren't were starved.

Teddy Roosevelt, the Republican-turned-Progressive was racist, too
In a speech on race relations after his election victory he engaged in Social Darwinism. He speculated that blacks could be raised up by teaching them white ways but worried that they would debase whites by teaching them black way. He's revered as the father of the national parks but, it is usually overlooked that he was taking Indian land to make those parks. He was specifically inspired in making the national parks by a man named Madison Grant. Grant, in turn, wrote the book on racism (literally, it was called The Passing of the Great Race) which combined all of the things above and more. 

Remember all of this the next time someone talks about the great Progressive traditions

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