Friday, September 28, 2018

The Poisonous Lie about Rape Culture

One of the accusations hurled at Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is that he was part of a gang rape where a girl would be drugged then the boys lined up to rape her. Judge Kavanaugh described this as being something out of he Twilight Zone - something that never happened in his life.

This accusation should be preposterous. The idea that gang rapes go on regularly is absurd, or it should be. There is absolutely no evidence that such things happen. But feminists insist that colleges are part of a "rape culture" where such things do happen and are covered up.

Rolling Stone got itself in trouble a few years ago after running a story claiming that freshmen had to rape someone as part of a fraternity initiation. The author of the piece originally wanted to write about the rape culture in ivy league schools but was unable to find any cases. She settled for Virginia Tech, which was still prestigious enough for her purposes. But she and her editors failed to check the story. It was too good to be true and turned out to be false.

Other similar stories about gang rapes on campus have also turned out to be lies.

The truth is that such crimes are very rare and very repulsive. When they do happen, rather than turning a blind eye and covering it up, most men want justice for the victim.

Even rape itself has always been taboo. Yes, it happens and has always happened. So does murder. And for centuries the penalty for both was death.

In the last few decades feminists have redefined rape from a repulsive crime to a tool for perpetuating the patriarchy. I order to do this, they've had to redefine the meaning of rape. Women can withdraw their consent after the fact, sometimes days or weeks after the action.

And they conflate unwanted attention with physical actions in order to inflate the statistics.

All of this is meant to browbeat men in general or any man who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Brett Kavanaugh is that man right now. Feminists fear that his elevation to the Supreme Court will mean a reversal of Roe v. Wade. So they are pulling out the rape card and accusing Judge Kavanaugh of sex crimes. And we are supposed to believe these accusations regardless of the lack of evidence. Simply by being a white man from a well-off family, Kananaugh is automatically part of the group they've been slandering as rapists so his guilt is predetermined.

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