Sunday, February 10, 2019

Kavanaugh and Fairfax

During the Kavanaugh Hearings, a parade of women came forth accusing the Judge of sexual assault. None of the accounts were credible and most were proven to be outright lies. Regardless, the Democrats on the Senate Judicial Committee used this as an excuse to vote against the judge and there's talk of impeaching him. Considering that Judge Kavanaugh's sterling reputation was one reason he was nominated, it was a sorry spectacle. All semblance of due process was thrown out the window and we were told to believe all women, no matter how tenuous the accusation.

Now Virginia Lt. Governor Fairfax has been accused of sexual assault and/or rape by two women. The first accusation was known for a year but was uncorroborated, a nicety that was ignored with Kavanaugh. But now that the first accuser has gone public, a second one has come forward and she has contemporary documentation that the assault happened. Based on the Kavanaugh standards, Democrats are already demanding that he resign and impeachment is being discussed.

While there is some satisfaction in seeing a Democrat run afoul of the new standards, this is a terrible precedent. It's also terrible on college campuses where a man can be expelled without being able to confront his accuser. We must respect due process if we are to have a civil society.

The Democrats need to temper their demands for Fairfax to resign until the claims have been investigated. It's way too soon to talk of impeachment. That should come after a conviction or at least after Fairfax has actually been charged.

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