Saturday, August 10, 2019

If Trump's a racist then why is it so hard to find proof?

We're constantly told that President Trump is an irredeemable racist but I have yet to see an accurate quote taken in context that proves this. Why is this so hard?

The quote most often used "good people on both sides" was butchered. In the same breath he condemned the white supremacists and then went on to say that some of the people protesting the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee were acting in good faith and speculated on statues of Washington and Jefferson being next (surprise, he was right). There's no racism there.

After some ISIS-inspired attacks in the US including the Pulse Nightclub shooting and during a wave of refugees from ISIS-infested territories, Trump suggested a temporary freeze on accepting people from these countries until we could put stronger vetting in place. This is still being referred to as a ban on all Muslims.

At least three times Trump has made statements about the violent drug-gang MS-13 that were rephrased to claim that he was talking about all Latinos.

Just a few days after people insisted that it was not racist for Speaker Nancy Pelosi to respond to attacks from the Squad, the same people insisted that it was racist for Trump to respond to their attacks. His tweet suggested that the three of them who were from different countries/territories or whose parents were should clean them up before telling us how to change the US. He did not tell them to "go back where they came from" which is how his tweet was reported. The same was true when he responded to attacks from Rep. Elijah Cummings by pointing out how little he's done for his district and how bad things are in Baltimore. Suddenly it's racist to point out reality.

In the run-up to the 2016 election, the Washington Post had at least a dozen reporters investigating Trump and the worst example of racism they could find was his father's company being fined for discrimination in the 1970s.

So, again, if Trump is so racist then why do they have to manufacture all of the evidence of it, something like saying that "poor kids can be as smart as white kids?"

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