Tuesday, February 09, 2021

The Jeep Superbowl Ad

So, Jeep ran an ad during the Super Bowl. It's message is unity and a "ReUnited States". It features Bruce Springfield visiting a chapel in the middle of nowhere (or, according to the ad, in the middle of everywhere) to light a candle before driving off in an open Jeep while wearing a cowboy hat.

This as is so off-key, it's hard to know where to start.

The Boss is as good a starting place as any. He's the working-class hero.

He's also a guy from New Jersey who's known for ball caps instead of cowboy hats and who absolutely hated George W. Bush as well as Donald J. Trump. Does anyone think for a moment that The Boss would have made an ad calling for unity if Trump was still President? I didn't think so.

So what's he doing out in the middle of the country at the chapel? He's lighting a candle. Is this a prayer to unite the country? Or is he giving thanks to God that Trump is no longer president? I suspect it's the latter.

There's views of fields and crosses and country roads. Do you know who lives out in the country and goes to church? Trump voters. Do you think they're going to buy their SUVs from Jeep because a Trump-hater from Jersey put on a cowboy hat and drove to Kansas? Ha!

Jeep is so clueless that they didn't even include the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in their map. Alaska and Hawaii are missing, also.

One final thing - for god's sake, put the top on the Jeep Bruce!

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