Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Speaking of truth, here's the text of a new radio ad by the Soros-controlled Media Fund:

After nearly 3000 Americans were killed. While our nation was mourning the dead and the wounded. The Saudi royal family was making a special request of the Bush White House. As a result of that request, nearly two dozen of Osama bin Laden's family members were rounded up. Not to be arrested or detained. But to be taken to an airport. Where a chartered jet was waiting. To return them to their country. They could have helped us find Osama bin Laden. Instead, the Bush White House had Osama's family flown home. On a private jet. In the dead of night. When most other air traffic was grounded.

This is part of their "Bush is too close to the Saudis" campaign which follows the same text as Michael Moore's F911. Like Moore, it is a mixture of facts, half-truths, and outright lies.

If you check their web site and click on the many "get the facts" links you get a much better account of what happened. They even mention Richard Clarke several times without mentioning his full role. (Pay close attention to the source for their "facts" when reading their documentation. They slip in House of Bush, House of Saud which has been discredited.)

What they don't tell you:

The Saudi request was for 140 Saudis including a couple of dozen bin Laden relatives. Most of these Saudis were college students studying in the USA.

Richard Clarke, a Clinton administration hold-over, insists that he was the person who gave the authorization for the Saudis to leave and that there was no pressure from above. Since Clarke wrote a best-seller criticizing Bush's reaction to 9/11, he is unlikely to be covering for anyone. Every time the ad says "the Bush White House" they mean Clarke.

The FBI reviewed the list of people leaving and conducted interviews. They did not want to detain anyone.

No one in the USA was likely to have any idea where Osama bin Laden was hiding. Most of the relatives are only distantly related and have never met the man. One reason Osama is so hard to catch is that he changes his location at least once every six hours. He is hardly likely to have sent an itinerary to a distant relation in the US in case they wanted to send him a Christmas card.

Arresting people for no other reason than who they are related to is a tactic of totalitarian governments such as Nazi Germany, the USSR, and Saddam's Iraq - not the USA.

Here is a revised version of the ad that is more accurate than the Media Fund version:
After nearly 3000 Americans were killed. While our nation was mourning the dead and the wounded. The Saudi royal family was making a special request of a Clinton era appointee who had been held over by the Bush administration. As a result of that request, nearly two dozen of Osama bin Laden's distant family members were rounded up. Not to be arrested or detained since none of them were suspected of any complicity. But to be taken to an airport. Where a chartered jet was waiting. To return them to their country for fear of reprisals. They were interviewed by the FBI but knew nothing about the plot or the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden. After the FBI gave its ok the Clinton appointee had Osama's family flown home. On a private jet. In the dead of night. When most other air traffic was grounded.

So we are supposed to vote Bush out because of this? These people will say anything to defeat Bush.

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