Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Reporting Sheehan's Divorce

Michelle Malkin was one of the first to post about Cindy Sheehan's husband filing for divorce. I know I saw this listed among "attempts to slime Cindy" somewhere, probably in the Huffington Post, but I cannot find the reference. Possibly it was removed after the story went from unconfirmed to confirmed.

Malkin's post prompted this blogger to unload on her.

But this kind of bile coming from Michelle Malkin is fucking out of line, and spare me the ‘like it or not, this is news’ crap. It is goddamned disgraceful. Knock it off, take down that post, and then apologize. Cindy Sheehan’s marital status, her relationship with her husband- none of that is your damned business. Even if you think it ‘proves’ a point. If it proves anything, it proves that losing a son in war fucks up families. Thanks for the deep insight.

No fucking shame. I donÂ’t give a shit what even the nastiest folks on the left say about Malkin anymore. She brings this shit on herself, with vicious bullshit like this. No wonder she rushes to defend Karl Rove at every opportunity
Note - the "bile" was the link to the divorce story.

So, is Sheehan's marital status our business? Yes, I think so. Here is my reasoning:

1) She made herself a celebrity. This is just as much our business as anything Brad Pitt does.

2) This could be used by Cindy herself to prove her point - how much harm the unjustified death of her son caused her.

3) It can also be used the other way. If you believe, as I do, that Cindy has an unhealthy fixation on her son's death then this is evidence of that.

Is it hypocrisy to insist that Supreme Court nominee's John Robert's personal life be kept private while Cindy's is not? No. Roberts should be judged on his professional experience and qualifications. Cindy, on the other hand, has no qualifications to be spokesperson for the anti-war crowd except for her own experiences (does she even have a job?).

Speaking of Michelle Malkin - it is amazing how many people on the left feel free to insult her gender or ethnic background (Filipino). I thought that liberals eliminated this sort of hate speech.

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