Wednesday, July 29, 2009


If you are a Birther (you think that President Obama was not born in Hawaii) then please shut up. There is nothing to this and you are embarrassing the rest of us. For the last eight and a half years conservatives could sneer at liberals afflicted with Bush Derangement Syndrome as they talked endlessly about conspiracies within the Bush administration. Now we have our own affliction - Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Think about the whole controversy for a few minutes...

Why would Obama's parents have bothered arranging for fake birth announcements and fake birth registration? His mother was a US citizen so it doesn't matter where he was born (remember that McCain was born to American parents in Panama).

Barack, Sr had a very good reason to keep his mother from going to Kenya - his first wife who he abandoned without a divorce (he did this to Obama's mother a few years later).

If there was anything to this then Hillary's investigators would have found it two years ago. They were responsible for other damaging leaks about the Obama campaign.

The whole conspiracy theory seems to be based on the pre-knowledge that Obama would someday run for president. While it indicates a touching faith in Obama's parents aspirations for their son it's a lot of trouble to go through for a 300 million to one shot that their son would someday run for president.

The conspiracy theory is silly enough that liberals are using it to discredit all conservatives. All they have to do is bring on a Birther or two and represent them as more mainstream than they are.

One thing that I will say about the conservative reaction to the Birther movement - a number of conservatives have stepped forward to denounce it. I can't remember any liberals questioning the 9/11 Truth movement. Howard Dean, when he was still the front-runner in 2004 seemed open to the idea that Bush was involved in the 9/11 attacks. Other high-ranking Democrats included this in the long list of things that they wanted to hold hearings on. Republicans joined Democrats in unanimous support for a bill honoring Alaska's 50th anniversary as a state and as the birthplace of Barack Obama.

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