Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Primaries

I smile whenever I think of the plight of Arlen Specter. Rather than face a tough primary challenge, he switched parties. Imagine his disgust when he found out that he would face a primary challenge after all - this one from the left. Worse, President Obama reneged on is support. The result - Specter is out anyway. If he had stayed with the Republicans there would have been a gnashing of teeth from the left over an honest moderate being forced out by a radical Republicans. Instead they will write about how the two Democrats believed in the same things and Specter fell victim to a wave of anti-incumbent sentiment.

Obama did campaign for Blanche Lincoln but it was not enough for her to capture a majority vote. She will have to participate in a run-off contest.

On the Republican side, Rand Paul upset the candidate endorsed by the Republican establishment in favor of one endorsed by the Tea Party.

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