Friday, June 18, 2010

Why Aren't the Democrats Fired Up?

This piece echos one by E. J. Dionne in asking why Democrats aren't fired up and ready to go? It lists their accomplishments but fails to recognize an important point - their accomplishments are not popular. In fact, Obama was in Columbus today trying to convince people that his economic stimulus worked. A majority of the country dislikes health care. When the man at the top is still trying to sell his signature accomplishments, the people further down are in trouble.

Then there are other factors. The economic recovery is slowing. Unemployment is still the highest it has been in a generation with no sign of dropping in the next several years. The deficit is unsustainable. Everyone knows it but no one will admit to a plan to do something about it. The various bail-outs may have saved the economy but they gave the impression of rewarding bad behavior. The coming financial reform bill reinforces that impression.

Voters are in an anti-incumbent mood. Some long-time incumbents couldn't even make it past the primaries. Long-time Democratic allies (unions) have turned on moderate Democrats. Without Obama at the top of the ticket, Democrats from traditionally conservative districts can expect a tough fight which many will loose.

Given all of this, I can't imagine many Democrats looking forward to the coming election. How can they get fired up when they are already on the defensive?

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