Sunday, January 13, 2019

Are the Never-Trumpers Happy Now?

Before the election, sort-of-conservatives such as George Will and Conservatives-Turned-Liberal such as Max Boot openly rooted for exactly what we got: a House controlled by Democrats who are "acting as a check on President Trump" and a Republican-controlled Senate to continue to confirm conservative judges (Boot man have wanted the Dems to control both houses).

So here we are. Democrats control the House and refuse to compromise with President Trump on the shutdown over the border wall. They could ask for a DACA deal or something similar but they refuse to. It's all or nothing.

They've also introduced bills to take federal control of election law, outlaw assault guns (including some handguns), impeach the president (two bills), and plans to abolish the terrorism committee and replace it with a committee devoted to investigating the President.

Is all of that really what the never-Trumpers wanted?

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