Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The CovCath Kids - What It's Really About

It's been a week and a half since a story went viral about a bunch of white Catholic boys taunting a Native American Elder and Vietnam Veteran but I'm still seeing stuff about it. Even though the story totally fell apart the next day, people are still arguing about it.

Let's get this straight - people don't really care that nasty, racist insult were hurled at the NA in question, Nathan Philips. I know this for an absolute fact and I have proof. The group the Black Hebrew Israelites did exactly that. They shouted terrible, racist and homophobic insults at both the Native American march and the Catholic kids and no one cares. No one is doxing them. No one suggested they should be thrown in a wood chipper. No pretty writers from SNL have offered oral sex to anyone who punches one of them. They have received no death threats. They've barely even been mentioned in news reports.

But people are still hating on the Catholic boys and pronouncing the MAGA hat to be the equivalent of a KKK hood.

It's clear that the whole thing is just an excuse for people to show how much they hate white Catholics who are also Trump supporters. The worst they are guilty of is "smirking while white".

That's why so many conservatives were among the first to pile on the kids. They were never-Trump conservatives and they embraced a chance to prove to the world how terrible Trump supporters are, especially if they are also religious kids from a hick state. The left is even worse. The sight of a white, MAGA-hat wearig kid facing down a person of color is so upsetting to them that they want to eliminate MAGA hats from public spaces altogether. Even a member of Congress has called for a ban on wearing MAGA hats in public "until we figure out what's going on." (Notice the irony here, he used almost identical phrasing to Trump's original pause on Muslim immigration.)

There's a lot of racism going on here and don't tell me that teenagers from Kentucky hold institutional power. There's also some misandry (hatred of men) and anti-Catholic bigotry. And it's all very ugly coming from the side that assures us it stands for inclusion and diversity.

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