Thursday, October 14, 2004

PBS Frontline is showing a profile on both candidates. It is so pro-Kerry it's embarrassing. They are contrasting Kerry fighting in Viet Nam and protesting the war with Bush being AWOL. Who would have thought, PBS is slanted liberal!

Ever wonder why Kerry hasn't signed the form to release all of his military papers. Supposedly you can see all of them here. If you look at the "Honorable Discharge from Reserve" you see something amazing. It appears that he was originally given a dishonorable discharge and that this was upgraded to honorable. A full explanation is here but I will give the short version.

Kerry could easily have been given a dishonorable discharge because of his anti-war activities. He engaged in these while still in the reserve. He even made Nixon's enemies list. Nixon could have easily ordered the dishonorable discharge. The question is why Kerry would hide it if this is what happened? Being on Nixon's list was a badge of honor for the protestors. We will not know unless Kerry releases his records.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First time I've read your blog. Good job.
Your commments on PBS being slanted coming as a surprise means you don't watch much PBS. The Frontline show ran twice that week. No surprise there. Have you ever watched NOW with Bill Moyer.Its disgustingly bias.
The News Hour with Lehrer used to be one of my favorites but has become so disappointedly biased I had to stop watching so I didn't have to email them after each show. The McLaughlin group is pretty much a farce to. I noticed they've thrown in a few conservative shows just to show they weren't totally worthless. I will not support Public television again,which is to bad because their non political content is usually good.
How they have the nerve to call themselves PUBLIC is beyond me.
C. Benson