Monday, March 15, 2010

Democrats - A Way Out

This is an open letter to the Democrats in Congress.

Health Care legislation is currently a mess. It is unpopular and is consuming Congress and the Presidency. If it passes it will be the first time that such a far-reaching and unpopular measure passed on a narrow, party-line vote. If it fails then there will be tremendous pressure to revive it. If it passes then you had better get used to the phrase "government take-over of one sixth of the economy" because you will hear it ten times an hour between Labor Day and the election.

Most pundits will tell you that you have two choices - pass it or let it fail. I'm going to offer you a third option - kill it. I don't mean let it fail, I mean actively kill it. Drive a stake in it. I am asking that a group of you announce that you will vote against it, no matter what.

Yes, this means throwing the President under the bus but ask yourself - hasn't he already thrown you under the bus? The country's top priorities are jobs and the economy. Health Care reform is pretty far down the list but it is all that the public hears about. I know that many of you are as frustrated with this as the general public.

If you kill Health Care you will be crippling the President and probably dooming him to a single-term. Ask yourselves this - which would you prefer, losing the White House in 2012 or losing Congress in 2010?

I realize that coming out against the President's signature issue will be hard. You will have to take on the White House and top Congressional leaders. The Netroots will hate you forever. If enough of you stick together then this will not matter. It is possible to oppose the establishment and survive. Just ask Joe Liberman.

Keep in mind that moderate Democrats are no longer safe seats, regardless. The Netroots are challenging moderates from the Left. Look at Specter. He switched parties to keep his seat and still has a primary challenger.

The trick to keeping your seat is to appeal to the voters. Tell them that the Health Care has become toxic. It is distracting Washington from the country's real priorities. It is distracting the President from conducting foreign affairs. Just a few days ago it was announced that a major Asian trip will be postponed because of Health Care.

I realize that you will be pressured to change your minds. Your state will be offered hundreds of millions. It will be tempting. Don't take it. If you do you will sully your own reputation and your state.

It is up to you, the Democrats in Congress to finally kill the bill. Any other choice will lead to more months of agonizing debate. The left may hate you if you do but the rest of the country will hate you if you don't.

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