Monday, March 01, 2010

Health Care Stories

I constantly see stories on TV or read letters to the editor in favor of health care reform. They are always similar. They tell a sad story about someone who needs insurance but is unable to afford it. The central person is sure that, if health care reform only passes, then everything will be fine.

The trouble is that the plans under consideration will not help these people. It will only make things worse for them.

That's because most of the people writing or being reported on are solidly middle class. They do not make enough money to qualify for subsidies under the plans and even if they did, they would find the plans burdensome. Worse, right now they have the option of carrying no insurance or only catastrophic insurance. The current plans would force them to cover comprehensive insurance.

So why are they in favor of reform? They think that someone else will pay for their insurance. It's as simple as that. If President Obama gets his way then they will be really outraged. But that's ok with him. The provisions will be phased in after the 2012 election.

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