Sunday, March 14, 2010

Why Obama Can't Be Reagan

Newsweek's Elenor Clift has a list of Five Ways that Barack Obama can be More Like Ronald Regan. She's wasting her time and giving bad advice. She is wasting her time because Reagan and Obama have lived such different lives. Reagan started as a Democrat. During the 1950s he spent years being paid to give patriotic and motivational speeches to factory workers. He wrote all of his own material. This is when he actually defined his political beliefs and came to the conclusion that he was in the wrong party. As a result of this period he knew what he believed in and could explain it to others.

In contrast, Obama has always been a Progressive. He started his career as a Saul Alinsky community organizer. After two years with sparse results, he decided on a change of tactics. He never seriously questioned or explained his core beliefs and, prior to becoming president, he was always playing to a like-minded crowd.

Then there is the matter of experience. Reagan spent eight years as Governor of California where he learned how to work with a Democratic Legislature. Obama is still learning how to get legislation passed with a strong Democratic majority. Next year he will have to start learning how to pass legislation with a reduced majority or a Republican majority in one or both houses. He will be into his second term (assuming that he he reelected) before he really has a handle on Congress.

So, ignoring the fact that Obama is unprepared to be a liberal Reagan, what advice does Clift offer?

1) Get health care done, and then explain to the voters what he's been doing for the last year, and what's in it for them.

Clift has this backwards. Reagan always sold his legislation to the people first then used this to put pressure on the Democrats. He would never try to pass an unpopular bill then sell it.

2) Talk to Hillary Clinton. Ask her how she connected with blue-collar voters during the '08 primaries and racked up a string of victories against Obama.

During the campaign, Hillary was a chameleon. When in the South, she developed a southern drawl. When in the North, she was a life-long fan of the local team. Obama never stops being Obama and looks uncomfortable when he tries - remember when he went bowling?

3) Do concrete things that connect with middle-class voters.

I can't
argue with that one but Clift doesn't have any suggestions beyond Cash For Clunkers.

4) Don't forget Bush.

Clift really means "blame Bush" but Obama has never stopped doing that. When SNL and the Daily Show start to joke about blaming Bush, it's time to move on.

5) Don't cloud the message.

She says to leave Immigration and Climate legislation until next year. Does that mean that we are in for a second year of nothing but Health Care? Kill me now.

None of these points have anything to do with Reagan and none are likely to help Obama. He would do better to talk to Bill Clinton. Like Obama, Clinton came into office with a majority in both houses and lofty expectation. Clinton managed to save his presidency through triangulation. Obama has rejected this so far but it is far easier to have a successful presidency from te center than from the left.

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